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Travel to Saudi Arabia – The Ultimate Saudi Arabia Travel Guide in 2024

WORLD TRAVELER Traveling to Saudi Arabia is a great idea, but you should be aware of the risks. The country is huge, with no public transportation and few rest stops and gas stations. Unlike its neighbor countries, Saudi Arabia doesn't have malls or many places to socialize. You are considered a servant by many locals, and brown people are considered second-class citizens. Some residents...

Airports & Airlines in Australia

The Australian airline sector was deregulated in the early 1990s, allowing for more competition. In 1989, former East-West Airlines CEO Bryan Grey and other executives conceived the idea of Australia's first low-cost airline, Bonza. However, the airline folded a year after it launched its first flights, due to a lack of capital and revenue generation. This is one of the most interesting stories in...

Transportation in Libya

The State of Transportation in Libya The state of Libya's transportation infrastructure is very poor. The lack of modern transportation systems has caused many problems...

Fun Family Vacations

While family vacations tend to be more relaxed than adventure travel, they are still full of magical places and experiences. The key is to...

The U.S. Drops COVID Testing Requirement For International Travel

The United Kingdom has dropped its COVID testing requirement for inbound travelers. In addition, Japan has allowed international tour groups to enter its country,...