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Top 4 Wineries of Northern and Northeast Attica

Vineyards are a mainstay in these parts of Attica, the birthplace of retsina. The sturdy Savatiano grape here can produce well-resinated wines but also a range of non-resinated dry whites. The mountainous north of Attica, including the Penteli and Parnitha mountains, offers a cooler terroir and allows grapes to ripen more slowly. These conditions give wines a more delicate taste. 1. Zenginis Winery The ancient Greeks...

Vermont’s Natural Wine Destination

Those of us who like to enjoy wine have a variety of options to choose from in Vermont. We can enjoy wines from Shelburne Vineyard, Jess Quiet, La Garagista, Boyden Valley Winery & Spirits, and Newport Vineyards. Jess Quiet Despite being a tiny sliver of land, Vermont has managed to make its mark as a destination for wine lovers. The latest entrant to the ranks is...

The U.S. Drops COVID Testing Requirement For International Travel

The United Kingdom has dropped its COVID testing requirement for inbound travelers. In addition, Japan has allowed international tour groups to enter its country,...