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Travel to Saudi Arabia – The Ultimate Saudi Arabia Travel Guide in 2024

WORLD TRAVELER Traveling to Saudi Arabia is a great idea, but you should be aware of the risks. The country is huge, with no public transportation and few rest stops and gas stations. Unlike its neighbor countries, Saudi Arabia doesn't have malls or many places to socialize. You are considered a servant by many locals, and brown people are considered second-class citizens. Some residents...

Travel to Libya – The Ultimate Libya Travel Guide in 2024

WORLD TRAVELER The roads in Libya are relatively good but there are still many hazards and risks to consider when traveling to this country. While driving is not too dangerous, the roads are very dusty, and camels are known to cross the road in the middle of the night. There is a high rate of violent crime in this country, so avoid carrying cash,...

Transportation in the United States

There are many ways to travel in the United States. You can take trains, buses, or rent a car. Taxis can also be a...