Search results for: initial public

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Free Public Wi-Fi Could Soon Be a Reality Across Europe

Free Public Wi-Fi could soon be a reality across Europe, thanks to the EU Broadband Plan. The project will start in 2020 in the main centers of public life, and eventually expand to rural areas where internet access is patchy and communities do not have the funds to install Wi-Fi hotspots. While this is a long way off, it is a positive step towards...

Travel to Thailand – The Ultimate Thailand Travel Guide in 2024

WORLD TRAVELER If you're considering a vacation to Thailand, there are some things you need to know before going. Thais are known for their friendliness and their love for life, and you will find it easy to make friends. Most people bow with their hands together as if they were praying before eating, and you can even eat in their homes. It's a country...

Discover the Brilliance of Antoni Gaudi At Park Guell Barcelona, Spain

If you are planning on visiting Barcelona in Spain then you should consider taking a trip to the Park Guell, home of the brilliant...

Saint Marks Basilica in Venice Italy

The Saint Marks Basilica in Venice Italy is a stunning landmark that you won't want to miss. As the symbol of Venetian wealth and...

The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most famous attractions in the world, and is a must see for anyone visiting Italy....

City of the Arts & Sciences in Valencia, Spain

A city of the arts and sciences in Spain, Valencia offers its visitors the chance to get involved in a wide range of activities,...

Airports & Airlines in Japan

Japan Airlines Japan Airlines is a major airline headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo. Its primary routes are located throughout the country. The airline is part of...

The U.S. Drops COVID Testing Requirement For International Travel

The United Kingdom has dropped its COVID testing requirement for inbound travelers. In addition, Japan has allowed international tour groups to enter its country,...