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The Uffizi Gallery in Florence is Italy’s Most Visited Museum

The Uffizi Gallery in Florence is one of Italy's most visited museums. Located in the heart of the city, it's a must-see for those looking to enjoy some of the world's most impressive paintings. With a rich artistic legacy dating back to the Medici family, it's still a wonderful way to spend a few hours. It was destroyed by a car-bomb in 1993 The Uffizi Gallery...

The Best Mega-Ship Ocean Cruise Lines

The world's largest cruise ships were back in operation last summer, and they were the subject of Travel Describe readers' rankings. While the mega-ships were operated at limited capacity, cruise fans were no less enthusiastic. Read on to learn more about each of these giants of the seas. Listed below are the top mega-ship ocean cruise lines. Which one is right for you? Let...

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