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NYC’s Times Square Will Welcome Back Crowds on New Year’s Eve 2023 – 2024

Whether you're a New Yorker or a visitor to the city, New Year's Eve is a time to celebrate. And this year, NYC's Times Square will welcome back crowds to view the annual fireworks show. Here's what you need to know about the event. Time of the ball drop ceremony Thousands of people gather in Times Square for the Time of the Ball Drop ceremony on...

A Complete Travel Guide to New York City in 2024

WORLD TRAVELER - MY OPINION ABOUT TRAVEL If you're planning a vacation in New York City, you've probably already heard about the attractions and activities. After all, the city is the center of the universe! There's world-class dining and shopping, jaw-dropping views, and ever-changing neighborhoods. There are even a few places where you can enjoy warm apple cider. If you're interested in learning more about...

Rules For Traveling to the UK From the USA Explained

Before you get to the UK, you need to know the rules for traveling to the UK. In this article, you will find out...