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Things to Do in the Caribbean

The Caribbean is a region of the Americas that is composed of the Caribbean Sea and its surrounding islands. It lies southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and east of Central America. South and Central American countries make up the remainder of the region. There are many different things to do in the area. It is a great place to relax, snorkel, and dive....

Antoni Gaudi Architecture in Barcelona, Spain

Antoni Gaudi In Barcelona, Spain you can find some of the most beautiful buildings that have been created by the famous architect Antoni Gaud. There are several architectural landmarks in the city that were designed by him, but the most popular ones are the Palau Reial de Pedralbes and the Sagrada Familia. The latter is a church that is a UNESCO World Heritage site...

Currency in Canada

The Bank of Canada issued a commemorative $10 bill for its 80-year-old history. The new currency was issued in 2001 and features images of...

Transportation in France

The transportation sector in France has experienced significant changes in recent years. While public transport services remain controlled by large publicly owned companies, many...